Wow! Thanks a million! Bookmarked ... looking forward to sifting through all of this information! Appreciate it!

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YES! What an awesome contribution to the Substack world! This is super useful, thanks!

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TOC's are great as a 'Stack starts to proliferate. I like what you have done with making one TOC with groupings of topics/subjects, David. What I have done is to group by tag, which shows across the top and also down the body of the site. Then I have added TOCs to series or similar posts within each tagged group. I will keep the site that way, but what I like about the way you have done it is that it's like a master TOC with sub-TOCs in the body of the master. Great idea. Thank you, sir.

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Thank you David! Your organization and attention to being helpful is much appreciative.

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I love what you did here. I'm planning to publish a book on Substack initially, before I finalize it to POD. This is exactly the sort of thing I was thinking about doing on my website, as a page, with chapters as blog posts, before I decided to put the book on Substack instead. But I wasn't sure how to accomplish the ToC page. This has been very helpful! Thanks!

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I love this… so organized and useful!

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Great list.

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Thank you very valuable, but anything to help those stuck on what to write about. I keep jumping between topics and don't know what topic to focus on exactly.

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Wow this is amazing. I am in a similar niche.

Just posted an article about The Two Basic Needs of Solopreneurs


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I have saved the post, looking forward to reading it later.

Hi there! I’m new to Substack, and love writing stories about the universe and life. I know it’s a bit of a niche topic; most people go through their lives giving little thought to why they exist. But if you’re curious and wonder about the big questions, then please visit my profile and have a look. Regards from Scotland.

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I guess I'm a sucker for a good sale, and I'm glad I took you up on your 25% off for life as an annual subscriber!

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Wow thank you for this abundant resource! Archiving for future reads!

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I love how you have structured this! I am excited to read through these posts and gather wisdom. Thank you for your organization and thoughtfulness for your readers. 😁

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Nice! Saved!

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