Ahh! Now the pressure is on me to make the sign up page available 😂

💎 Can't wait to finally make our Notes Challenge happen.

Nice with your next book..I see in the spreadsheet how many words your pumping out per day. The title remembered me of The Substance, horror, sci fi with Demi Moore. 📚

Hopefully we can share our sign up page tomorrow ✅

Wishing you a wonderful weekend with Christine

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Yes, please, Kristina. Get the sign up page done. If it's up, where is it?

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David, you and Kristina, are great role models, and you work so well together!

I was accustomed to writing more than 1k-a-day until caregiving prevailed, so I'm going to use the riding-a-bike metaphor 🥳.

I look forward to your and Kristina's notes challenge. I've found they are highly valuable even without having a Substack newsletter yet

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I really want to join your 1,000 a day writing challenge. I have been thinking about it more and more lately! And yes! You are right - Cecilia - stop thinking and start doing! I write almost 1,000 on my daily farm blog but there are so many other words wanting to see the light of day!

I am going to creep in to see what I need to do to sign up with you. I really love your attitude and your own slick succinct coffee mornings!

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I know I am far from being a tech head but I can usually follow the ‘click here’ protocol to get to where I want to go. Not so with Substack (sigh)

Followed directions to read one ‘free post’ of yours David, unlocked to for me to ‘read in the app’ but the app just kept leading me in circles back to the starting point until I gave up in frustration. Grr

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Only in adversity, whether proven or potential, do people truly find friends.

——Blindness (written by José Saramago)

فقط في الشدائد، سواء كانت مؤكدة أو محتملة، يجد الناس أصدقاء حقيقيين.


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