I would say I'm subscribed to 20 right now. And I completely agree. Each newsletter that I'm subscribed to is because I have learned something new from them, and want to keep learning more in the future.

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It's exactly what I've always did. It's a dynamic approach, too.

The newsletters I subscribe to constantly change. I read every issue from some authors, while only the most interesting ones from others. And the group of "must read" authors also changes.

Following only the best seems a good optimization. But you risk falling into an echo chamber. Especially as the few you follow become more and more expert.

But, as you say finding patterns is the most useful thing. When something works, or not, for many people, it must be true.

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This is such a smart strategy for building expertise in any niche. Thanks for the thoughtful suggestions David

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You’ve provided a very invaluable information that could really help declutter the learning process for creators. I sometimes try to stick to maximum 20 creators a month depending on my learning and focus on them so much that I know every thing they are doing including replying their emails, DMs, etc.

I haven’t been consistent in doing that, but even typing it now means, I can focus on that for the rest of the year. I might build relationship with at least 30-100 creators who on the long run might be collaborators!

Thanks for your write up

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I think it's about 60 newsletters! This is my sixth month on Substack, so it's a massive learning curve. I will probably subscribe to fewer but I'm doing what you suggest, David, looking at various excellent newsletters and trialling what those successful people are doing and seeing what resonates with me and my subscribers. As ever, thanks for your advice.

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Great advice David.

Last year I was drowning in newsletters, but I learned a lot. Now I'm at about 5 - 10 subscriptions. Much easier to manage this year.

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My email signature: "Part of being adaptable is seeking out and being able to take in a broad range of information from many perspectives. It also means being open to alternatives not previously considered." ~ Daniel Goleman

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I’ve subscribed to hundreds of them too. Although it’s good to read something completely different at some point. Otherwise you might feel stuck in that one topic. At least that happens to me.

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And quote them

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And you can search in your inbox for past insight

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It’s not just about learning about your niche, I basically subscribe to newsletters in my niche to see how I can modify my contents to better improve my writing and give subscribers more value

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