Jul 2Liked by Sinem Günel, David McIlroy

Excellent tips. Thank you for the article. Piqued my interest about this platform. I am not new to writing but I am new to writing online.

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I'm glad you liked the piece, Shell!

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Liked by Sinem Günel, David McIlroy

Sinem is the perfect example of a concept I've been exploring recently. The most important thing a creator can do is to choose a platform with generous organic reach. It's like sailing with the perfect wind all the time.

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Beautifully said! 😄

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Great tips and I loved her clear approach and also how important it is to continuously reassess your business model and see what you have to let go of so that you can keep growing.

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Jul 2Liked by Sinem Günel, David McIlroy

Some good stuff in here. I do think a lot of the “how to write online” advice is a bit of common sense though. Stay committed and consistent. Do it for the love. Try different ideas out. Collaborate with others who can help. Be kind. Stay true to your word. And then wait to hit your lucky break 😆

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Jul 3Liked by Sinem Günel, David McIlroy

Thank you! Great tips 👌

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Jul 2Liked by Sinem Günel, David McIlroy

Thanks for sharing!

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Jul 2Liked by Sinem Günel, David McIlroy

This was a great read.

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More power to you!

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Excellent read!

Speaking of writing on Substack. What kind of an audience is there for short story content? Do you know of any fictional story Substacks that are doing well on the platform?

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Thanks for sharing. What's inspiring about Sinem's story for me is that she's pretty clear it wasn't an overnight success kinda thing. She had to really stick with it for the first year which sounds like it was a difficult year with not a lot of results. Only by not giving up and being consistent success finally came!

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Inspiring, encouraging, and practical. Thank you!

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Post in this vein always make me think, that's because I'm trying to determine my focus, outside of fiction, because I wonder if just sharing thoughts really do much to move the needle. I've been thinking on it a lot of late and trying to determine my next move. So thank you for this post and I appreciate the honesty in it.

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She is an inspiration.

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Sinem is one of my favourite writers as she is not only an accomplished writer but also an excellent community member and leader. Thank you for writing this inspiring story.

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Very inspiring and straightforward. I found this really helpful!

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I’ve been following her for years. I think it was her newsletter that pushed my writing dream from a dream to a reality.

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