Jun 25Liked by David McIlroy

This is so inspiring!!!

For my whole life I never felt drawn to any certain career path that people suggested I follow. Business, science, education… I tried everything. None of it gave me that drive.

But when I started writing often last Fall, I realized that the little hobby I had since I was a little girl actually meant something (See my post titled “Vocational Guidance from a Man Long Gone”). It comes easy to me, I can bang out decent work in little time, I have this sense of real urgency when it comes to growing my skills and outreach. It’s play.

This post is definitely fueling that urgency. It’s not going to be easy, but I can do this!! Thank you for sharing this story 😁

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I can very much relate to your experience as well. thanks for sharing your path elaine!

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Jun 25Liked by David McIlroy

Thank you!!! Your story is very inspiring. Congratulations on all your achievements 🙏🏾🤗✨

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Wonderful story about what's possible in the world of publishing (even without an agent or a big 5 contract)!

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Thanks for uplifting such an inspiring story David!

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Ayodeji was kind enough to write it 😊

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Thank you for sharing ☺️🙏

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I NEEDED this today! Such a motivator! I especially appreciate all of the extreme timeline details so that we can actually see that YES, it takes time, but ALSO YES, it CAN be done! Fantastic guest post, David!

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Wow. This is such an inspiring story. I personally can’t commit to one job, but I still have goals that I want to achieve. I want to write books, write music, teach and so much more. People tell me that’s impossible, but if I don’t try I won’t be happy. For me happiness lies in doing ALL the things I love.

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What you've done is remarkable and I'm thrilled for you. It's what I would love to do, too, but I don't have the luxury of several years ahead of me in which to do it. I'll be 75 in August. I'll just keep writing which is what I adore and it's where my only focus is. I wish you happiness and love.


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Also, and you may have written about this previously, might you have ADHD?

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Jun 25Liked by David McIlroy

'For a while, nothing happens until one day everything happens. Keep writing until that moment happens for you.'

Inspiring story. It would seem that a big part of our writing journey involves putting in the effort towards growing without much reward in the process. This is something we have to try to take in our stride and not get too affected by.

Thanks for sharing, David and Ayodeji.

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Jun 25Liked by David McIlroy

What a beautiful story. So much hope in your story. A story that truly speaks to everyone! “What you focus on shapes your life” … wisdom that needs to be shared with all ages! Thank you for your post, and I wish you all the best of luck to keep thriving!!!

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Great read!

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Awesome post! I wanted to respond, but what I had to say was way more than what I could fit in a note. My response is here: https://sharonhines.substack.com/p/impersonal-energy-or-personal-god

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Jun 25Liked by David McIlroy

very well written and relatable. thanks Ayodeji for sharing & David for posting about it!

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Congrats, David. 🤘An inspiring story indeed - plus you create the best headlines!

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It's all Ayodeji, Lisa! 😊

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The trajectory of your life seems like a plot of a movie. Very inspiring. ❤️‍🩹

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