
Thanks for the opportunity, David!

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16 hrs agoLiked by Chris Anselmo, David McIlroy

"Your voice is worth more than any metric." 100% agreed.

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Love this too!

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Thanks Dawn-Renee!

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Thanks Rick!

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17 hrs agoLiked by Chris Anselmo, David McIlroy

Thanks for this perspective. It's so easy to fall into the comparison trap. I appreciate the fresh guidelines and the reminders.

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Thanks Darrell!

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14 hrs agoLiked by Chris Anselmo, David McIlroy

So many excellent thoughts here... I needed to read this. Thanks Chris and David!

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Thanks John!

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14 hrs agoLiked by Chris Anselmo, David McIlroy

"Comparison kills the joy of an art." This was comforting and motivational at the same time. As a relatively new writer, I needed something like this.

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Thanks Saurabh! Wishing you the best on your writing journey. You got this!

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15 hrs agoLiked by Chris Anselmo, David McIlroy

This right here:

The healthiest comparison we can make is between who we are today and who we were when we began our writing journey.

It works for anything in life, too!

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Such wisdom in those words. It's challenging not to compare with so much exposure. We have great opportunities and amazing tools, but the pressure seems greater too. I have often wondered how the world of writing felt as Dickens or Austen, without the knowledge of what other writers were doing, except in their small worlds. At the, same time, we can't romanticize it because we are tremendously lucky to be in a world with so much support and community. Thanks for the very clear methods for combatting comparative thinking.

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Thanks Beth!

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Such great advice, thanks Chris and David. I really needed to read this today!

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Thanks Emily!

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Lovely piece, Chris! It's so true about how everyone's lives are messy. Great advice here.

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Thanks Evelyn! :)

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Love this "We see everyone's external achievements, but we don't see their internal struggles." Everyone's life is messy - even if they've hidden the mess from the reader. This reminds me that it's okay to share failures as well as successes.

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Thanks Elizabeth!

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Most powerful for me: #3 internal struggles and #6 refined success. The comparison game will take you down faster than anything. I'm glad to see this

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Thanks Ingrid!

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Thanks David for this article,

In my worst times I tend to compare with people and feel bad about myself. "How can he or she have so many subscribers? How can she or he have a best seller book? What's wrong with me? I'm such a failure." I will say and feel depressed and beaten down.

Yours tips ring true, we need these constant reminders so we can keep learning and improving. That's all I want.

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Great read! Very Inspiring! Thanks for sharing.

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