If I smashed my online writing setup to smithereens and started again, this is exactly what I’d keep (and what I’d drop)
Featuring shirtless dude wielding a sledgehammer.

As I eased into 2024, one word was on my mind: simplify.
I wanted this year to be all about simplification. How could I make all my writing and business-related processes more straightforward? Where could I trim the fat? What needed to stay, and what could go?
That invariably got me thinking about the actual writing setup I’ve put in place over the last couple of years.
2024 is to be about simplification largely in response to my focus in 2023 leaning heavily towards experimentation.
Last year, I tried everything (in a business sense - get your mind outta the gutter). I spent a few months playing around with YouTube. I actively worked on growing my presence on LinkedIn, and briefly dabbled with X/Twitter’s Premium tier. I tried TikTok and Pinterest. I dipped my toe in online coaching. I gave affiliate marketing a go. I joined Medium, Vocal, Substack (obvs) and Bluesky. I continued developing my own online community. I brought a couple of fantastic interns into the fold.
2023 was busy. And unfortunately, often fruitless.
But I don’t like writing anything off unless I’ve given it a fair shake myself. So as we eased collectively into the New Year, I was able to say with some confidence what worked for me and what didn’t as a writer and solopreneur.
And to save you some time and bother, my reader friend, I’m going to break down exactly what kind of setup I think everyone who wants to generate income from their writing (because that’s the focus of this publication, after all) needs to succeed going forward.
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